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Af-Soomaaliga hoos ka akhri

From: Amsas Management Consulting,
Tel: 613-94577639
Fax: 613-94407959
Email: amsali@hotmail.com
Tel: 254-072-616-533

To: The People of Puntland
The Contesting Parties in Puntland
The Intellectuals of Puntland
The Businessmen and women of Puntland
The Religious elders of Puntland
The Elders of Puntland

A possible solution for Puntland

It is almost six months and the political situation in Puntland has not been that bright. As a Puntlander who has been touched by current and past events that has transpired in Puntland, I would kindly appeal for calm. We would also further like to suggest the following:

1. The existence of Puntland is more important than the mere attestation of the post of presidency.

2. Puntland Government was created to be free from the upheavals that has engulfed most parts of Somalia.

3. Some third forces that do not like the people and the progress Puntland has achieved thus far engineered the Constitutional crisis that has engulfed Puntland and we must stop them.

4. As a think-tank that has the capabilities to contribute positively to the

current political impasse we would like to call in experts in the field of constitutional law (who apparently would not be Somalis- to lessen favoritism and clan linkages) and who would be chosen by both parties. We would like both sides to respect and accept the findings of those imminent persons.

5. Everyone must respect the constitution of Puntland if we have to progress forward as a Nation.

6. If the constitutional experts fail in their quest for a solution then a committee shall be set up that will prepare for a general election that will involve the issuance of Identity cards to Puntlanders who are over the age of 16 years. Computer technology will be used to reduce fraud and favoritism. If you would like to take part as an observer, or material contributor, then please do contact Dr.Ali Abdullahi on the above details.


Ka: Amsas Management Consulting,
Tel: 613-94577639
Fax: 613-94407959
Email: amsali@hotmail.com

Tel: 254-072-616-533

Ku: Dadka Puntland
Kooxda xukuka isku heeysata
Aqoonyahanka Puntland
Ganacsatada Puntland
Hogamiyayaasha Diinta
Isimada Puntland

baaq nabadeed

Hadeer waxaanu mareynaa wakhti dhan lix bilood arinta Puntlandna aad uma qurux badna. Xungurufka siyaasadeed waxaa masuul ka ah gacmo sadexaad, aqoondaro, iyo xukun jeceyl dad qaarkiis aad ugalay.

Waxaanu halkan ka soo jeedineeynaa qodobadan hoos ku xusan:

1. Jiritaanka Puntland weey ka qiimobadantahay jego madaxweeyne nimo oo loo looltamo.

2. Puntland waxaa loo aasaasay si eey dadka ku nool goboladaas eey uga badbaadaan nabadgalyo xumadii ku habsatay Soomalia.

3. Qalalaasaha ku habsatay Puntland waa mid eey ka dambeeyaan kooxyo aan rabin Puntland ineey horumar gaarto waana inaan iskaqabaana kooxdaas.

4. Waxaanu halkan ku soo bandhigeeynaa in loo baahan yahay in khilaafkan kadextaagan labada kooxood in loo dhiibo khubuur aqoon u leh dastuurka, khubuurtaasna waxeey noqon donaan dad aan Soomali ahayn (si loo soo afjaro xigto ama eex) labada koox oo xukunka isku haysata ayaana dooranaya qofkeey ku go'aan.

5. Waxaa muqadisah in markaas ka dib Puntland dastuurkeeda la xushmeeyo oo hadii eey noqoto in wax laga badalo lagalatashan doono parlamaanka iyo afti lagaqaadidoono dadka Puntland.

6. Hadii khubuurtaas aqoonta u leh dastuurka eey xalinwaayaan arintaas wexeey noqondoontaa in lasuubiyo gudi diyaariya tartanka doorashada. Wexeey noqon doontaa in lasiiyo qof walba oo ka weey 16 sano aqoonsigii uu ku codeeynlahaa, tani wexeey awood u yeelaneeysaa in qofkasta uu codeeyo oo eexasho iyo xigto meesha laga saaro. Qalabka komputerka ayaana loo isticmaalidoonaa arintana anagaa falankeeda qaban doona. Waxaana codeeynkara dadka ku nool asalna ku leh goboladaas.Waxaad kala soo xiriiri kartaan arintaan Dr.Ali Abdullahi oo ciwaankiisa kor ku qoran.

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